Contact us for a consultation: 800-411-6313 •
HTL manufactures System 203, an advanced thermal lining system that protects live fire
training structures from the heat and abuse associated with fire training. Our crews install
our lining systems in both new and existing structures. HTL also restores concrete and
masonry as needed to prepare damaged existing buildings to receive the lining systems.
We are also general contractors, and have been in the commercial construction business
for over 75 years. We have completed hundreds of buildings including schools,
universities, office buildings, hospitals, retail centers, fire stations, etc. Our estimating
system has been developed and proven over all those years. We are therefore able to
provide budgets for complete fire training structures, even though we do not typically build the structures that receive our linings.
We can recommend particular engineering firms that have extensive experience in live
fire training structures, or we can assist any design team in understanding design issues
that are unique to burn buildings. Once the Owner hires a design team, HTL offers details
and estimating services throughout design development. HTL, coupled with a good
engineering firm, can offer accurate estimates, budgets, and complete details that are
needed to produce a responsible design. Local builders are then invited to submit
proposals to build the structure.
We might recommend that a structural survey be completed on existing structures.
Structural surveys are required per NFPA 1403. Owners must understand the condition of
their structure before making plans to fund a major improvement. Structural surveys typically include a couple of days of on-site engineering, field testing, coring and
laboratory testing. The reports include drawings, estimates, test results and
recommendations for specific repairs, etc. Surveys generally cost about $3,000 to
$10,000, depending upon the size of the structure. Please refer to NFPA 1403 for
inspection and survey requirements. HTL can direct you to qualified engineers providing
this service.
We recognize that fire departments have a very tough time communicating their needs
to facility engineers, procurement divisions and municipal boards of commissioners. We
have proven that if we provide you with the right pre-design and budgeting information,
you have a much greater chance of securing funding for your project. These free
construction services are worth our time because, in the process, you get a taste of how
we operate and have a chance to check our references.
We are confident enough to provide these basic services free of charge with no strings
attached. If you get the funding and decide to go another route, we wish you the best. If
we end up working together to produce a new live fire training structure, that’s even
Please let us know if we can assist you with your plans.
Design/Estimating/Construction- ext 1 (Bill Glover)
Accounting/General - ext 6
PO Box 1240
White Stone, VA
2017 - E. H. Glover Inc. - High Temperature Linings | All Rights Reserved | 800-411-6313 |